Zack vonMenchhofen
Downingtown, Pennsylvania
St. James's Episcopal Church
Denomination: Episcopal
Organ: Allen Electric
Last Service: Pentecost 5 (June 24th, 2018) June 24th, 2018
Presider: Father John Symonds
St. James', Downingtown, Pennsylvania
Not much to say about St. James. I was only filling in for the summer. Their organist was away for a long vacation (later found out that she had taken the summer off to find another job and wasn't coming back). The organ was an Allen from the 1980s - awful instrument. The sanctuary, while it had pretty aspects, was small and very unimpressive. John Symmonds was the rector. He was a nice guy. While the people were friendly and appreciated the music I was performing, they were not that welcoming (maybe because they saw me as only the summer fill-in organist or because they did not have a basis in the hymnody of the Episcopal church.
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