Number of Churches: Ten
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Memorial Chapel of the Holy Communion
Holmesburg Circle, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Trinity Lutheran Church
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St. Phillip's Memorial Episcopal Church
Manchester, Connecticut
Second Congregational Church
Hatboro, Pennsylvania
The Episcopal Church of the Advent
Torresdale, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
All Saints' Episcopal Church
Glenmoore, Pennsylvania
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Downingtown, Pennsylvania
St. James's Episcopal Church
Honeybrook, Pennsylvania
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
Richlandtown, Pennsylvania
St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church
Choirmaster Zack's
List of Churches
List of Churches
This is a list of churches where Choirmaster Zack has served as choirmaster and/or organist (either as permanently or as an interim). Click on one of the churches to view information about the church. Even though Zack has served at many more churches through his life as a guest organist or vocalist, this list is just the churches where he has played more than eight services (and some were held simulataneously). The listing starts with the first church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where Zack served while in college and progresses from that time.