#559 from The Hymnal 1982 (Episcopal)
Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us
Dulce Carmen
Metric Index
87. 87. 87
Key & Modality
G Major
Last five uses
July 24th, 2022 at St. Mark's Episcopal, Honeybrook, PA for the Recessional Hymn
June 26th, 2022 at St. Mark's Episcopal, Honeybrook, PA for the Entrance Hymn
August 4th, 2019 at St. Mark's Episcopal, Honeybrook, PA for the Gradual Hymn
October 1st, 2017 at St. Andrew's Episcopal, Glenmoore, PA for the Gradual Hymn
June 25th, 2017 at St. Andrew's Episcopal, Glenmoore, PA for the Gradual Hymn
Poem Words (three verses)
Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us
o'er the world's tempestuous sea;
guard us, guide us, keep us, feed us,
for we have no help but thee,
yet possessing every blessing,
if our God our Father be.
o'er the world's tempestuous sea;
guard us, guide us, keep us, feed us,
for we have no help but thee,
yet possessing every blessing,
if our God our Father be.
Savior, breathe forgiveness o'er us;
all our weakness thou dost know;
thou didst tread this earth before us;
thou didst feel its keenest woe;
yet unfearing, persevering,
to thy passion thou didst go.
all our weakness thou dost know;
thou didst tread this earth before us;
thou didst feel its keenest woe;
yet unfearing, persevering,
to thy passion thou didst go.
Spirit of our God, descending,
fill our hearts with heavenly joy;
love with every passion blending
pleasure that can never cloy;
thus provided, pardoned, guided,
nothing can our peace destroy.
fill our hearts with heavenly joy;
love with every passion blending
pleasure that can never cloy;
thus provided, pardoned, guided,
nothing can our peace destroy.
Various Recordings
Dulce Carmen/Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us
Zack von Menchhofen/Organist-Choirmaster
Marion/Rejoice, ye pure in heart
Zack von Menchhofen/Organist-Choirmaster
Hymn References
James Edmeston 1791-1867 (alt.)
William Henry Monk 1823-1889
Publication Date
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