Zack vonMenchhofen
Community Comments
Zack loves to hear from people. These are comments that people have made about music, hymns, and thoughts in general. You can make a comment, too. Just fill out the form on the right side of page. Once Zack has 'approved' your comment, your comment will appear on this page, too.

(The most recent commnets appear first)

Zack loves to hear from people. These are comments that people have made about music, hymns, and thoughts in general. You can make a comment, too. Just scroll down to the bottom of the page and fill out the form. Once Zack has 'approved' your comment, your comment will appear on this page, too.

(The most recent commnets appear first)

And Can It Be That I Should Gain

Great organ piece.

Donna (December 9th, 2019)
I loved the psalm music you wrote and introduced us to today. I just have a quick question - are you going to post the recording of it?

I think this web page is fantastic, really enjoy the music you play!!!

Stu (November 18th, 2019)
Vote for hymn #541
Come, labor on (Ora Labora)

the quintessential Protestant hymn

User 64 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 27th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #362
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty (Nicaea)

I often sang this as a child.

User 64 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 27th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #207
Jesus Christ is risen today (Easter Hymn)

THE Easter hymn

User 64 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 27th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #199
Come, ye faithful, raise the strain (St. Kevin)

1 of my favorite Easter hymns

User 64 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 27th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #423
Immortal, invisible, God only wise (St. Denio)

fast and fun!

User 62 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 27th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #416
For the beauty of the earth (Lucerna Laudoniae)

So much joy in this one.

User 62 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 27th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #693
Just as I am, without one plea (Woodworth)

Just because of my dad

User 61 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 27th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #671
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound (New Britain)

I am always moved by this hymn!

User 55 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 22nd, 2015)
Vote for hymn #324
Let all mortal flesh keep silence (Picardy)

Great Tune and Words!

User 54 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 20th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #653
Dear Lord and Father of mankind (Repton)

Lovely, peaceful, tuneful. BTW it's heard in the movie Atonement in the Dunkirk beach scene.

User 53 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 20th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #623
O what their joy and their glory must be (O Quanta Qualia)

Memories from my former NJ parish.

User 53 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 20th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #382
King of glory, King of peace (General Seminary)

So beautiful and peaceful

User 53 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 20th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #492
Sing ye faithful, sing with gladness (Finnian)

Fun to sing.

User 53 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 20th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #564
He who would valiant be (St. Dunstan's)

First heard this watching Winston Churchill's funeral on TV, and sang it often at my then parish of Calvary Church, NYC.

User 53 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 20th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #645
The King of love my Shepherd is (St. Columba)

I love the 3rd verse, describing so perfectly my faith journey.

User 53 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 20th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #335
I am the bread of life (I am the Bread of life)

Heard so often in the Roman Church, it's a tie to that part of my family.

User 53 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 20th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #665
All my hope on God is founded (Michael)

A nice faith statement

User 53 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 20th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #694
God be in my head (Lytlington)

Perfect for communion hymn

User 32 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 18th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #172
Were you there when they crucified my Lord? (Were you there)

It has always been one of my favorites. I love the words .It`s a beautiful Hymn.

User 50 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 18th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #8
Morning has broken (Bunessan)

My Wife said to vote for it, but I like it too

User 51 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 18th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #671
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound (New Britain)

The only one I can sing

User 51 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 18th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #265
The angel Gabriel from heaven came (Gabriel's Message)

I think it sounds good.

User 49 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 18th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #624
Jerusalem the golden (Ewing)

I find the tune inspirational

User 48 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 18th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #339
Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness (Schmucke Dich)

it's familiar like an old friend

User 48 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 18th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #395
Creating God, your fingers trace (King)

hauntingly beautiful melody

User 48 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 18th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #141
Wilt thou forgive that sin, by man begun (So giebst du nun)

words and great harmonies

User 41 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 14th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #405
All things bright and beautiful (Royal Oak)

because it has sentimental family memories

User 40 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 14th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #383
Fairest Lord Jesus, ruler of all nature (St. Elizabeth)

because Lee's been singing it for 70+ years

User 40 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 14th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #335
I am the bread of life (I am the Bread of life)

Makes me think about the meaning of the Eucharist and I love the refrain.

User 35 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 13th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #711
Seek ye first the kingdom of God (Seek ye First)

Simple but with a good message. Fun to sing as a round.

User 35 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 13th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #556
Rejoice, ye pure in heart (Marion)

A happy hymn and a fun refrain.

User 35 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 13th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #694
God be in my head (Lytlington)

The words are simple, but meaningful. I will always remember the St. Andrew's choir through this hymn.

User 35 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 13th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #618
Ye watchers and ye holy ones (Lasst uns erfreuen)

I have loved this hymn since I was very young and remember singing it in the youth choir.

User 35 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 13th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #410
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven (Lauda Anime)

The choir sang this at a memorial for a friend. It was glorious and whenever I hear this hymn, think of her.

User 35 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 13th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #210
The day of Resurrection (Ellacombe)

We sang this hymn at my dad's funeral. For years I had to get up and leave the service because it made me so sad. Finally I have come to love it and it leaves me with good memories of my dad.

User 35 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 13th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #8
Morning has broken (Bunessan)

One of my all-time favorites. A song of hope and renewal.

User 34 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 13th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #671
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound (New Britain)

The words...tune...need I say more. Also, one of my husband and mother-in-law's favorites.

User 34 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 13th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #579
Almighty Father, strong to save (Melita)

Brings tears to the eyes, this Navy hymn is beautiful to sing.

User 32 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 12th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #623
O what their joy and their glory must be (O Quanta Qualia)

The best Church Triumphant hymn, beautiful and rememberable.

User 32 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 12th, 2015)
Vote for hymn #91
Break forth, O beauteous heavenly light (Ermuntre Dich)

This hymn is beautiful thanks to Johann S. Bach, and the words are too -- peace eternal making.

User 32 (2015 Hymn Vote) (September 12th, 2015)
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